





Recovery from setbacks, and evolution

 I have devoted myself to classical ballet for 18 years since I was 3 years old. I practice seven days a week without taking a single day off.
 I was forced to give up my long-term study abroad plans and dream of becoming a professional ballerina. Instead, I prioritized high school.
 You can't become a professional ballerina if you don't study abroad for a long time before entering high school at the latest. So I was forced to make important life decisions at a young age. (Why did you decide to choose high school over studying ballet professionally abroad?)
 Dreaming of becoming a ballerina, I practiced 24/7, participated in competitions every month to train myself, and I went to study abroad on scholarships in three countries. This renunciation decision to forgo my dream to study to be a professional ballerina was hopeless and really painful at the time.
 Synchronous students study abroad and are in a position to see off from Japan every time. "Have a nice day! I'm rooting for you from Japan!" I cheered for them but also cried in my heart every time. No matter how much I cry, the pain won't go away, and the tears won't stop.
In high school, I had a chance to perform in my favorite ballet while struggling with this pain. I grabbed the chance to compete in and win the top prize at an audition the competition, performed in the lead role in the ballet performance recital.
When I was in college, I was pretty limited. Because I love ballet, the more I do it, the more painful it becomes. I couldn't give up on dancing, so I started looking for something that would allow me to become a professional dancer, and I challenged myself to participate in competitive dance.
 But I ended up going to ballet performances so often that there was always ballet music playing in my room.
 Some time in the winter of my 3rd year, at a competitive dance ???, I received an offer to become a ^professional. ̄ It was a chance that I wanted so much.
As a result, the internal conflicts and regrets regarding ballet that spanned seven years disappeared were digested. I was able to be honest with myself, and I knew that I wanted to study ballet. Then, I decided to cast aside my doubts and regrets. I gathered the courage and made the decision to make a full return to ballet.
I was guided by the following principles:
¢ There is more than one choice.
¢ Seek the maximum result toward the goal and maximize the effort.
 In these past 7 years, I was frustrated, my rival at the time corrected the course of his dream, faced himself, and began to move forward. Now that we met again, I was leading two steps and three steps Now, I am able to move step by step towards my dream.
 I will never forget this moment of my life.
 There is scenery that can only be seen and situations that can only be experienced after pushing yourself to your limits. It will take you to the next stage. That's why I'm going to pursue the path I believe is meant for me, with passion and without compromising.



バレリ`ナになることをて、24 rg 365 晩し、惟造隆鷸瓩乏して徭失冩をeみ、X僥署で 3 カ忽に藻僥した。プロになる蕕X僥署を誼ようと、寄氏やオ`ディションをBってきた徭蛍にとって、そしてまだバレエしか岑らずバレエが畠てだった暴にとって、この竃栖並は云輝に朕の念を寔っ圧にするくらい~李議だった。

揖豚は今翌へ唾羨ち、暴は械に^晩云から鮅しているよ,い辰討蕕辰靴磴ぃ 韻煩圓α。輝rは日いても日いても峭まらない孜し罎鮑龍箸眩した´スタジオから僕るこの鵬gが1桑逗しかった。






