





My dream through world food

To begin, do you like cooking and eating?
I like both so much. Of course, if there is no food in the world, we could not be alive. And food has the power to make people around you smile. The feeling of eating something delicious makes us happy.

My major is nutrition. In this major, we have a cooking class. I learned how wonderful Japanese and world food are. We made miso soup and tempura. Also, we made curry from roux. From these classes, I became more interested in the differences of food and cultures between Japan and other countries than before. For example, soup stocks are interesting. In Japan, people often use kelp or small dried fish. In France and China, they use meats and vegetables. Soup stocks in France and China take much more time to make than in Japan.
Another interesting thing… spices which we add to curry has many effects on our feelings and to cover bad smells from rotting meat in hot areas. Food cultures differ because of different climates, regions, and histories.

I have a dream. I am eager to feel and taste food culture in person in the countries of origin and tell various people about Japanese food culture. Also, I want to make friends in foreign countries. Eating food with people breaks helps us overcome language barriers and, as I mentioned, makes smiles. I want to make Japanese food like tempura for them.

Through these experiences, my desire to make this dream come true has become even stronger. I will try my best, and I definitely want to make it come true!




