




Online Study Abroad Program at Pace University in New York

I participated in the online study abroad program at Japan Women’s University before entering university. JWU offers it in collaboration with Pace University in New York City. JWU sends about 30 students to study there every year, however, 5 students joined the online program this year. I joined this program because I was worried about my English, and I thought studying abroad would help. When I first joined the program, I couldn’t speak English well, and during classes, I could only watch without speaking a word during group work. There were many times students were in groups during class. However, soon after, one of the professors sent me a chat message during class, “You can’t just keep silent. If you don't understand something, it is rude not to tell the other person honestly that you don't understand.” I was shocked by his words. Even if I study abroad, if I don’t try to speak English myself, my English will not improve for the rest of my life, and the purpose of studying abroad will be completely lost. From that day on, even if I didn’t understand what others in the class were saying, I tried to respond in English by asking questions or just saying things like “I see” or “interesting”. Then, from a certain point, my fear of using English disappeared, and my attitude changed to actively use English. I was just on the sidelines of the class on the first day, but two weeks later I “unmuted” myself and started speaking English. I have had never been able to change myself in such a short period of time, so I am very grateful to be able to participate in this study abroad program. When you hear “study abroad online”, I think that many people think that the quality is lower than studying abroad where they physically go to study abroad. However, in reality, that is not the case, and I think that both ordinary study abroad and online study abroad will be a wonderful experience depending on how the person receives it. If the professor had not given me the advice, I would have finished studying abroad just by watching the classes. During my study abroad, I learned the importance of actively using English, and by changing my attitude, I was able to realize a new self. I want to make use of what I learned from this study abroad program and remember to actively communicate with people regardless of my English level. And if I have another chance, I would like to participate in this or another study abroad program again!

